Complete Colorado


Amendment 66 crushed in citizen survey by Denver City Councilwoman

Amendment 66–the monumental $1 billion school tax increase on the ballot in November–faces a crushing uphill battle in at least one corner of Denver, according to a recent survey.

Denver City Councilwoman Jeanne Faatz’s “2013 Citizen Survey” revealed heavy opposition to the proposed annual school tax measure. Sixty-nine percent of respondents said they did not support “a $1 billion school tax increase, benefiting disadvantaged students and adding full-day kindergarten statewide.”  Faatz’s district is notably more conservative than other Denver districts, but other questions on the survey revealed many of the respondents maintain a moderate or liberal bent.

The percentages of support in the survey for Amendment 66 closely mirrors a September poll by Magellan Strategies, in which support could not break the 40% mark.

By a similar margin (68%), residents in Denver’s Second District rejected a proposed 5-cent bag tax for retailers.

Strong support also exists for curbs on medical and recreational marijuana use and sales, with 53 percent favoring forgoing any tax revenue in lieu of an outright ban on retail stores in the county.

A narrow majority–52 percent–called for the repeal of the state’s “controversial” 15 round magazine limit.

More than 7 in 10 surveyed opposed a repeal of the death penalty or allowing Colorado driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, while favoring the elimination of state vehicle emissions tests.

icon_orig_reportSixty-eight percent felt that affordable housing “is not local government’s responsibility,” and favored marketplace efforts instead.  The issue of “affordable housing” is likely to return to Denver in 2014.

On a more liberal track, the respondents did strongly favor bond proposals allowing the city to upgrade infrastructure in the surrounding community and allow the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo to upgrade its facilities with taxes generated from the event.

According to the survey, there were 2,013 responses.  Those responses were “self-selected,” meaning the respondents were not randomly chosen as they are in scientific polls.

As of this publishing, has not acquired any other such surveys from any other Denver city council offices, but will be asking for those in the coming days.

Citizen Survey Results – Denver – fall 2013

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