The offer made international news in 2006 when the Broncos hosted the Pittsburgh Steelers for the AFC Championship, and the offer stands for this weekend’s epic matchup between Peyton Manning and Tom Brady.
Dr. Steven Broman of Ft. Collins will trade a free vasectomy for a pair of tickets to the Broncos vs. Patriots matchup. Broman says the cost of a vasectomy these days runs close to one thousand dollars.
For what it’s worth, Broman’s not looking for his own entry to the game. A season ticket holder for the last 20 years, Broman has his own tickets but is hoping he can score two more to reward some of his staff. “They work their tails off, and I appreciate them a ton, so yes, I’m willing to make that trade if anyone wants to take me up on it,” Broman said Wednesday afternoon.
In 2006, Broman thought he had struck a deal with the right potential patient, but it ultimately didn’t come together. “I had one guy who was really going to make me an offer, but he said he only had one ticket. If you’ve only got one ticket, that’s OK, I can only do one side (of the procedure) if you want me to,” Broman said. “He didn’t think that was very funny.”
After posting the offer on Craigslist in 2006, the Ft. Collins doc says he was immersed in a media frenzy, doing interviews as far away as the BBC.
In addition to the offer of exchanging the surgery for tickets, Broman made one additional offer – “There’s one person I would do a vasectomy for, for free, and that’s Tom Brady. But he has to do it within the next 48 hours.”
TV station KDVR recently reported some fans are offering to trade ATV’s, jewelry, or plane tickets to score a chance to see a championship game between two quarterback greats.
Interested patients should email Dr. Broman at familydoc.steve @