Complete Colorado


Health exchange CEO also pocketed $15-K upon exit

Connect for Health Colorado, the state’s health exchange established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is back in the headlines.  As The Denver Post reports today, “Upset about  lofty pay for executives at Colorado’s troubled health insurance exchange, Republican lawmakers Wednesday advanced a measure to strip Connect for Health’s authority to issue bonuses.”

The report goes on to mention the various bonuses acquired by the former CEO of the exchange, Patty Fontneau.

In addition to the bonuses, Complete Colorado can report that Fontneau also pocketed $15,024 in August of 2014.  The pay was for unused vacation and sick time.

Embedded below is the document provided to Complete Colorado when we asked for documentation of the last five pay periods. (The records request was made on September 8, 2014.)

What’s also notable about the document is that Connect for Health Colorado (C4HC) did not initially provide the employee names that corresponded to the pay listed on the document.  C4HC later did provide the names, but only after a lawyer from the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition intervened.  However, even though the exchange did eventually provide the names, they still maintain that only the board members are expressly beholden to the Colorado Open Records Act.  “The Exchange as an entity, and its employees, are not expressly included as subject to the Open Records Act,” marketing officer and spokeswoman Linda Kanamine told us by email.  So it is entirely possible that C4HC could withhold other records from public disclosure in the future.

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