GREELEY — It will be two years in May since up-and-coming Democrat Rochelle Galindo fell from grace amid sexual assault accusations that eventually forced the former House District 50 representative to step down from her elected position.

Galindo, the first Latina lesbian elected to the statehouse from Weld County, resigned on May 12, 2019 after two female minors who worked on her campaign accused the former Greeley City Councilwoman of serving them alcohol and sexually assaulting them in her Greeley apartment.
Galindo was never formally charged with the alleged assaults; however, she was charged with providing alcohol to a minor, a misdemeanor. She pled not guilty to the charge on March 2, 2020. Although a jury trial was scheduled for the summer of 2020, COVID-19 pushed back cases.
No progress to settle the case out of court has been made in the meantime, and she is now scheduled to begin a two and one-half day jury trial at 8 a.m. on April 7 before Weld District Court Judge Charles Unfug in Greeley.
Galindo was facing a recall attempt at the time she stepped down. She told the Denver Post in a written statement that the allegations against her were false.
“That said, they will make our fight against the pending recall effort untenable,” Galindo said. “I will not put my constituents through what will surely be a recall campaign based on political smear tactics and false allegations.”
Galindo has faced several problems during her short career in politics.
- In December 2018, the Colorado GOP accused Galindo of illegal electioneering after she was seen on video within the prohibited distance of a polling place campaigning.
- After winning an uncontested race for city council in 2015, Galindo spent left- over campaign money on a trip to Las Vegaswith an undisclosed companion.
- In October 2019, questions arose around Galindo reimbursing herself for unclear legal expenses with campaign money.
If convicted under Colorado law, Galindo faces between 6-18 months in jail and between $500 and $5000 in fines, or both.