Complete Colorado


Barry Poulson, PhD

TABOR refunds good for Colorado

The experience in California underscores the importance for Colorado citizens to appreciate the benefits of TABOR.

Fracking’s place in Colorado’s urban-rural divide

But being anti-fracking is basically the same as being anti-jobs or anti-growth. Or, put another way, being a “fractivist” is essentially the same thing as being in favor of yet more economic inequality.

Fracking's place in Colorado's urban-rural divide

But being anti-fracking is basically the same as being anti-jobs or anti-growth. Or, put another way, being a “fractivist” is essentially the same thing as being in favor of yet more economic inequality.

U.S. should consider ‘financial free zones’ to stimulate economic growth

A Financial free zone could support the rapidly growing energy sector as well as other industries in North America, much as they have in the UAE and other emerging markets. A financial free zone could be a catalyst for increased investment and renewed economic growth and full employment in the U.S.

U.S. should consider 'financial free zones' to stimulate economic growth

A Financial free zone could support the rapidly growing energy sector as well as other industries in North America, much as they have in the UAE and other emerging markets. A financial free zone could be a catalyst for increased investment and renewed economic growth and full employment in the U.S.




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