Complete Colorado


Jay Ambrose

Obamacare's ideological defenders torture the truth

The intellectual pretenses of the left too often evaporate into nothingness when the evidential heat is turned up. A prime example of the moment is a health-care act designed to fit the ideological supposition that government knows better on anything and everything than individual citizens and should intervene massively — which is to say recklessly — when there are problems.

Obamacare’s ideological defenders torture the truth

The intellectual pretenses of the left too often evaporate into nothingness when the evidential heat is turned up. A prime example of the moment is a health-care act designed to fit the ideological supposition that government knows better on anything and everything than individual citizens and should intervene massively — which is to say recklessly — when there are problems.

Will entrepreneurship save the Washington Post (and other American newspapers)?

The most pathetic suggestion for saving American newspapers from the trash heap was the one that said government should step in, letting taxpayers compensate for revenues fleeing to the Internet. It’s an idea that fits snugly with the progressive worship of an all-embracing Big Daddy on which we all depend for more and more as we sacrifice ever more of our liberties.

Obama scandals piling up

Please, please, there’s no reason to impeach President Barack Obama and it is overreach to say we’re getting Watergate all over again. But the scandals are indeed piling up on each other, or, to use another metaphor, it’s not just raining. It’s pouring. And the message to the nation is to take cover.


