Complete Colorado


Peter Blake

Blake: Glenn's Victory Proves Old Political Truths

Darryl Glenn’s victory in the Republican Senate primary validates some satisfying old political truths in Colorado, such as: — The caucus system makes it possible for qualified but underfunded candidates

Blake: The "can't regulate her" regulator

The reason bureaucracies live forever: They happily take a mile when given an inch, but tend to ignore those all-too-rare legislative attempts to curb their authority. Like rented mules, they

Blake: Bending over backwards for the unaffiliated voter

“Raise the Bar” is running an initiative that would require future initiated amendments to pass with a supermajority of 55 percent instead of the current 50 percent plus one. However, initiatives that would repeal any current provision of the state constitution can pass with only a simple majority, as now.

Blake: Liquor 'compromise' didn't mix in new competition

Supposing you wanted to launch a new pizzeria, but pizzerias were licensed by the state and you couldn’t start one without first buying up the licenses issued to Domino’s or Blackjack. You’d be properly outraged, but they can get away with such stuff in the liquor game.

Blake: Let the unaffiliated affiliate!

There are now more unaffiliated voters than Republicans or Democrats…If this is a problem, it’s of their own making. There’s a simple solution: Affiliate!

Blake: Shift to primary could mean goodbye to 'Super Tuesday'

The legislature is under heavy pressure to revive the presidential primary in some form, because if it doesn’t, a well-financed group called Let Colorado Vote will try to put its own version on the November ballot. In fact, if it doesn’t like the version passed by the legislature, it may proceed anyway.

Blake: Caucus can still benefit the underdog

Throwing red meat to an audience of Republicans in Colorado Springs is not the same thing as defeating incumbent Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet — or even winning the GOP primary.

Blake: The Great Colorado Booze War of 2016!

The grocery stores have been further refining their proposals, filing three more possible initiatives last week. All would lower the eligibility requirement for groceries seeking a beer-wine license.

Blake: Caucuses are still primary to Coloradans' hearts

The problem wasn’t the long lines at Democratic caucuses but the sparse crowds at Republican ones. The GOP had decided to abolish the straw poll that had been in effect only a couple of cycles and paid the price.


