Complete Colorado


Right To Arms

Audio: Hickenlooper talks with CO Sheriffs has obtained a recording of Governor John Hickenlooper’s recent talk with most of the Sheriffs in Colorado, a meeting at which the Governor apologized for not engaging in more

Why do Colorado Democrats oppose democratic recalls?

Colorado’s constitution gives people the ability to hold recall elections for political reasons. For entirely understandable reasons, Democrats wish to suppress such voting. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the Democrats’ position here; it’s just not very, well, democratic.

What the murder of Tom Clements says about Colorado’s new gun laws

In the midst of this chaos—of this fundamental incapacity of Colorado government to perform its central role of protecting the public from violent criminals—Colorado’s Democratic legislators and Colorado’s governor are largely concerned, not about cleaning up those obvious problems, but with redirecting government resources toward the tracking and monitoring of peaceable gun owners.

What the murder of Tom Clements says about Colorado's new gun laws

In the midst of this chaos—of this fundamental incapacity of Colorado government to perform its central role of protecting the public from violent criminals—Colorado’s Democratic legislators and Colorado’s governor are largely concerned, not about cleaning up those obvious problems, but with redirecting government resources toward the tracking and monitoring of peaceable gun owners.

Idiocies in the gun debate

Our government says it absolutely cannot keep track of its own borders or the 12 million people who live here illegally, but, it absolutely can keep track of the purchases,




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