Complete Colorado



“Smart-growth” planners still spreading lies about sprawl

In the end, living in low-density areas is just as valid a choice as living in more compact areas. Failing to see the costs of regulations imposing compact living on people is also choice. The authors of this report have chosen to put on blinders allowing them to ignore housing costs and transit subsidies in order to make their choices appear morally superior.

Blake: Tesla’s distribution system challenges the auto industry, and lawmakers

In states like Texas and New Jersey (plus Arizona, Virginia and Maryland), you can still buy a Tesla but the lengthy process must be handled as an out-of-state transaction. In these states, Tesla maintains “galleries” where the car is on exhibit, but the attendants can’t take you on a test drive, help you with the transaction and financing or even quote you a price.

Blake: Tesla's distribution system challenges the auto industry, and lawmakers

In states like Texas and New Jersey (plus Arizona, Virginia and Maryland), you can still buy a Tesla but the lengthy process must be handled as an out-of-state transaction. In these states, Tesla maintains “galleries” where the car is on exhibit, but the attendants can’t take you on a test drive, help you with the transaction and financing or even quote you a price.

Obama's transportation plan is fiscal fantasy

What the president really wants is more grant programs like TIGER, which allow the Department of Transportation to both reward the president’s political supporters and support social-engineering projects such as streetcars and transit-oriented development. TIGER and similar grant making programs are not about transportation; they are about political pork barrel.

Light rail burdens low-income Denver metro transit riders

In one case, someone who was commuting to work by bus for $2.25 per trip now has to pay $4.00 per trip to take the light rail, a 78 percent increase in cost. 9to5 points out that the cost of gasoline to drive the same distance would be about $1.25.


