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Search Results for: broadband – Page 1

Fort Collins broadband experiment still not performing as planned

At a time when internet connection is critical for all of us, rather than making up for lost ground, Connexion fell short by another $1.6 million in their next quarterly report. Either people don’t want the service or Connexion can’t provide it, or both. Either way, this experiment is failing.” Fort Collins resident Sarah Hunt.

Greeley looking to push internet competition after putting the skids on municipal broadband

“We are making sure we adhere to the council’s direction that we work with our current providers. We are trying to expand the possibility that the number of current service providers we have today is different in six months, nine months, whenever and that we are doing everything we can as a city to enable those providers to come into the city and provide business.” Greeley IT director Scott Magerfleisch.

Municipal broadband capability already behind industry giants; Fiber not future-proof

“If you’re talking internet, it’s hard to say it’s going to be this price at this point. Having had to raise utility rates — seems like every year in Longmont with the government — it is like with any business, there are costs dealing with infrastructure that increase over time. So of course, rates are going to increase. There can’t be just a set price of $49.99 for internet. Eventually, that price will go up for charter members. And right now, if you didn’t get in on that charter rate, it’s almost $70. And that’s just internet.” — Gabe Santos, former Longmont City Councilman.

5G experts: Consumers moving away from hardwired broadband internet; 20 billion mobile devices online in the next year

“We can create some real harms if we’re not careful about things like data security and privacy. What governments also have to have a dialogue with industry about is this concept of a social license to operate. It’s really important that we don’t get into a world where each party looks to just leverage their legal rights.” — Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.




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