Complete Colorado



Senate Republicans pushing to save Capone the dog

“Free Capone! Save Capone! Some people may think it’s kind of a fun thing, but when government tears apart a family — I mean, that’s these people’s family. It’s so unnecessary.” — Sen. Tim Neville

If Aurora’s Gaylord Resort can’t sustain itself, is it worth sustaining?

If such a grand resort can’t succeed without taxpayer help, Gaylord should abandon the project all together, or scale it back to the point at which it can flourish on its own. Colorado taxpayers cannot, and should not, be on the hook for supporting businesses that can’t support themselves.

If Aurora's Gaylord Resort can't sustain itself, is it worth sustaining?

If such a grand resort can’t succeed without taxpayer help, Gaylord should abandon the project all together, or scale it back to the point at which it can flourish on its own. Colorado taxpayers cannot, and should not, be on the hook for supporting businesses that can’t support themselves.

Blake: Aurora’s defense of crony capitalism

When critics complain about government picking winners and loses, this is what they’re talking about — Winning an award meant that Gaylord would be entitled to pay down its construction debts with the 2.9 percent sales tax on hotel rooms that it would normally forward to the state.

Blake: Aurora's defense of crony capitalism

When critics complain about government picking winners and loses, this is what they’re talking about — Winning an award meant that Gaylord would be entitled to pay down its construction debts with the 2.9 percent sales tax on hotel rooms that it would normally forward to the state.




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