Complete Colorado



Boulder gun ban draws “Rally for our Rights” Saturday

“Being loud and being vocal and marching people into the streets, is very, very important to me because it’s important for people to know they are not alone in this. When we do this, politicians, legislators, city council members, they are going to realize they do have support behind them if they stand firm on their principle of protecting the Second Amendment.” Lesley Hollywood, march organizer.

Boulder City Council passes gun ban on first reading

“The criminalization of them with no grandfathering will turn a very large percentage of the population of Boulder into retroactive criminals, and people won’t register because they are afraid of confiscation,” David Kopel on Boulder gun ban.

Oil and Gas Task Force A Stage for Activism

Was (task force member Sura merely an interested observer, or one of Colorado’s Pied Pipers of anti-fracking, citing his own work in Erie and elsewhere as a justification for the task force’s existence?

Fracking's place in Colorado's urban-rural divide

But being anti-fracking is basically the same as being anti-jobs or anti-growth. Or, put another way, being a “fractivist” is essentially the same thing as being in favor of yet more economic inequality.

Fracking’s place in Colorado’s urban-rural divide

But being anti-fracking is basically the same as being anti-jobs or anti-growth. Or, put another way, being a “fractivist” is essentially the same thing as being in favor of yet more economic inequality.




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