Complete Colorado



Sen. Udall Joins #Up4Climate Senate Marathon

Scroll for updates . . . Sen. Mark Udall’s opening statement: “Also very pleased to join all of my colleagues here tonight to talk about one of the most pressing

The CEA roadblock to accelerating Colorado education

Around Colorado, Olivia, Lucas and the high school Class of ’32 are being born into a world with a chaotic future. Communities worldwide are accelerating their children onto an educational

Lessons for federalism from Colorado’s pot “legalization”

It’s ironic that one of the few “states’ rights” battles won in recent times was Colorado’s decision to legalize marijuana in the teeth of federal laws to the contrary. Pot really isn’t legal in Colorado, of course. The federal government still bans the stuff. And in Gonzales v. Raich (2005), the Supreme Court held that the federal ban is valid and the supreme law of the land. Last I looked, Colorado was still part of “the land.”

Less Than 0.7% of Boulder County Residents Sign Up For Obamacare

One commenter on the article pulled out the most salient comparison of numbers that appeared in the Camera article, saying, “Something doesn’t make sense here. 13% of Boulder County’s uninsured residents signed up, and that’s considered ‘high?'”

'Broken Windows' Politics

It appears the Broken Windows Theory in criminology applies to politics as well. The theory asserts that urban disorder, vandalism, vagrancy and other petty crimes sets the stage for more

‘Broken Windows’ Politics

It appears the Broken Windows Theory in criminology applies to politics as well. The theory asserts that urban disorder, vandalism, vagrancy and other petty crimes sets the stage for more




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