Complete Colorado



Thompson school board passes armed staff resolution; all district employees potentially eligible

“The fact is that people who have evil in their heart, select schools for a reason. They are gun free zones. We don’t have the budget to have as many SROs as we should in every single school. I really believe this will help and kind of open the eyes and potential for other paths to expand this further.” — Nancy Rumfelt, Thompson School Board Education member.

Caldara: The urgent case for armed school staff

Demand your school board allow volunteers to be certified to carry weapons (the affordable solution) or divert the massive amount of funding it takes for a sizable security presence of armed personnel inside your schools.

Columbine survivor takes active shooter training from the “best of the best”

“You don’t choose what you get in life, and hopefully none of us will ever have to use this training or a firearm, but you have to whether the weather, whether you like it or not, it’s life and that’s something that at the end of the day, storms never last. There is always sunshine at the end, and life does go on no matter how tough it is.” — Evan Todd

First Colorado FASTER training a success

“I think about the 26-year-old teacher at Sandy Hook, when the only thing she had to put between the gunman and her kids was her body. I just want to give them the chance at life.” Sean Maloney, co-founder FASTER.


