Complete Colorado


john cooke

Top three Senate bills head for committees starting Thursday

Despite the legislature not authorizing the $3.5 million needed and the Joint Budget Committee voting 3-3 down party lines not to authorize emergency funding to keep the doors open after July 1, 2017, the office has remained open using federal grant money.

2018 Legislative preview: Both parties look ahead to what they hope can be accomplished

“We are in a situation that we have revenue that leaves us without an excuse,” Senate President Kevin Grantham said. “We’re in a position that I haven’t seen since I’ve been here. We’re in a position that I haven’t seen since I’ve been paying attention. Having the money and then not doing it would not be a good way to finish this session.

Senators Cooke and Neville take a stab at transportation fix

“It’s our job; it’s what we’re supposed to do. There’s money there to be found. The state of Colorado has to have some skin in the game. We have to have some money come from the general fund.” Sen. John Cooke, (R-Greeley).

Sen. Cooke's Letter to UNC President Kay Norton

I am both astonished at and disappointed by what is happening at my alma mater the University of Northern Colorado. It appears UNC leadership has decided that so-called “tolerance and diversity” is justification for intolerance and intimidation. I am referring to the recent poster campaign, your chilling “Bias Response Team,” and your willingness to censor free speech on campus.




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