Complete Colorado


Ron Binz

Ron Binz: The tiger showed his stripes

Throughout the nomination of Ronald Binz to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), there was one burning question:  Would Mr. Binz bring regulatory-activism to the job? The Wall Street Journal catpured

Ron Binz: The tiger showed his stripes

Throughout the nomination of Ronald Binz to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), there was one burning question:  Would Mr. Binz bring regulatory-activism to the job? The Wall Street Journal catpured

Ron Binz: The tiger showed his stripes

Throughout the nomination of Ronald Binz to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), there was one burning question:  Would Mr. Binz bring regulatory-activism to the job? The Wall Street Journal catpured

More documents relating to the Ron Binz FERC nomination

On September 18, published a story on possible contradictions/discrepancies from the testimony of Ron Binz, nominated by President Obama to lead the Federal Energy Resource Commission. For a variety

More problems with Binz testimony and resumé

Mr. Binz asserts he approved the state’s largest coal-fired power plant. However, the plant was approved in 2004-05, and Binz didn’t come on to the PUC until 2007.

FERC nominee Ron Binz’s ‘no carbon’ hypocrisy

Apparently Binz thought natural gas was a clean fuel in 2010 but isn’t now. Too bad ratepayers didn’t know that in 2010. It would have saved them more than $1 billion dollars, but then Binz’s concerns for consumer costs have flipped too.

FERC nominee Ron Binz's 'no carbon' hypocrisy

Apparently Binz thought natural gas was a clean fuel in 2010 but isn’t now. Too bad ratepayers didn’t know that in 2010. It would have saved them more than $1 billion dollars, but then Binz’s concerns for consumer costs have flipped too.




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