Complete Colorado


SB 252

Suddenly, backers of renewable energy bill seek “consensus”

The (renewable energy) bill is “imperfect,” Hickenlooper said in his executive order, especially the tight timetable and the “consumer protections.” In that way the committee fits right in with Hickenlooper’s both-sides-now theme, siding with Democrats on the most controversial issues but trying to throw a sop to Republicans at the same time.

Suddenly, backers of renewable energy bill seek "consensus"

The (renewable energy) bill is “imperfect,” Hickenlooper said in his executive order, especially the tight timetable and the “consumer protections.” In that way the committee fits right in with Hickenlooper’s both-sides-now theme, siding with Democrats on the most controversial issues but trying to throw a sop to Republicans at the same time.

Why Govenor Hickenlooper should veto SB 252

Hickenlooper becomes more vulnerable the moment he aligns himself with the radical agenda of Morse, who legislated this year like a man with nothing to lose, and radical environmentalists.

Why Governor Hickenlooper should veto Senate Bill 252

There’s still time to derail the Rural Rate Hike Express. But that will require that alert, educated and active energy consumers write or call (303) 866-2471) the governor and tell him to veto this bill.




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