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teachers union

JCEA sends out "STRIKE FAQs" flier

From the flyer — “The JCEA leadership has been getting a lot of questions about the legalities and logistics regarding a potential strike.”

Union policies hard to defend under Prop 104 negotiation sunshine

Last year’s passage of Proposition 104 has opened the door to watch the school district-union negotiation process. Citizens are now better empowered to study and question the logic behind certain provisions sprinkled through various union contracts. Exposed to daylight, many of these provisions are hard to defend.

Thompson reformers face resistance from bureaucrats, union leaders

When asked about the often raucous behavior of union members and supporters, the president of the Thompson Education Association responded that while he often reminds his members to act professionally at meetings, “Passions will be passions.” The statement is hardly a ringing condemnation of current behavior, nor is it a clear call for more civilized proceedings.

Thompson conservative majority needs police escorts out of meeting

“It was not more aggressive at this meeting,” Board Vice President Bryce Carlson said. “But just given the nature of where we are in negotiations, tensions are high. This was the first time I was escorted. I certainly would hope that kind of thing is not necessary.”

“Mean Girls” Attack Jeffco Board, Officials on Twitter

Parents, students, and teachers upset with the Jefferson County Public School District Board of Education majority members and select district staff continue to use social media to get their frustrations out. However, some of those targeted by anonymous Twitter handles call their messages rude, intimidating, unflattering, and just plain mean at times.

"Mean Girls" Attack Jeffco Board, Officials on Twitter

Parents, students, and teachers upset with the Jefferson County Public School District Board of Education majority members and select district staff continue to use social media to get their frustrations out. However, some of those targeted by anonymous Twitter handles call their messages rude, intimidating, unflattering, and just plain mean at times.




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