Rosen: Pandemic reveals true nature of teachers unions
How’s this for a motivator: reopen the schools now and stop paying teachers who play hooky.
How’s this for a motivator: reopen the schools now and stop paying teachers who play hooky.
The rhetoric that has been the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA)’s main talking point since McMinimee was hired more than a year ago has been repeated so many times that no one questions it anymore.
Preliminary cost estimates for the recall are somewhere between $500,000 and $650,000. Additionally, if any of the targeted officials are not recalled, the district must reimburse them for their campaign costs up to $10,000 each.
“I believe every Jeffco student should have equality in both funding and opportunities,” Newkirk said. “And it is never acceptable to treat groups of people disparately.”
From the flyer — “The JCEA leadership has been getting a lot of questions about the legalities and logistics regarding a potential strike.”
Last year’s passage of Proposition 104 has opened the door to watch the school district-union negotiation process. Citizens are now better empowered to study and question the logic behind certain provisions sprinkled through various union contracts. Exposed to daylight, many of these provisions are hard to defend.
If the rumor of a mass student walkout planned for multiple high schools in the Thompson School District is true, its organizers have done a good job of keeping it
When asked about the often raucous behavior of union members and supporters, the president of the Thompson Education Association responded that while he often reminds his members to act professionally at meetings, “Passions will be passions.” The statement is hardly a ringing condemnation of current behavior, nor is it a clear call for more civilized proceedings.
“It was not more aggressive at this meeting,” Board Vice President Bryce Carlson said. “But just given the nature of where we are in negotiations, tensions are high. This was the first time I was escorted. I certainly would hope that kind of thing is not necessary.”
Parents, students, and teachers upset with the Jefferson County Public School District Board of Education majority members and select district staff continue to use social media to get their frustrations out. However, some of those targeted by anonymous Twitter handles call their messages rude, intimidating, unflattering, and just plain mean at times.
Parents, students, and teachers upset with the Jefferson County Public School District Board of Education majority members and select district staff continue to use social media to get their frustrations out. However, some of those targeted by anonymous Twitter handles call their messages rude, intimidating, unflattering, and just plain mean at times.
The Jefferson County Public School District Board of Education has agreed to a higher starting salary structure for teachers with master’s degrees, initial salary placements and hard-to-fill positions. According to
By Jon Caldara
Racial discrimination is repugnant. Period.
Our nation has made great strides during our nearly 250 years. And for that we should be proud, not ashamed. Too bad we’ve gone backward with government-sanctioned racial discrimination.
I was born the same year of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, raised with our shared goal of a colorblind society. Martin Luther King Jr. laid out that vision as clearly as John Kennedy set a goal of a man on the moon: to be judged on the content of our character, not the color of our skin.
Today’s identity politics is the most dangerous, hateful and ugly movement since slavery itself. To teach a child she is what the color of her skin is, not who she works to be, pollutes her and condemns her.
The Wall Street Journal recently shed light on this systematic racism at my alma mater, the University of Colorado, Boulder. With a simple open records request researchers found (to no one’s surprise) CU recruits and hires based on race. Those who check the BIPOC box (black, indigenous and people of color) get the benefit of CU’s institutional racism.
Not only is this a blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act, which CU turned a blind eye to, it teaches tens of thousands of students that, to get ahead professionally, they must embrace their victim identity.
I did find one department at CU turned its back to racial parity — athletics.
The Buffaloes head football coach Deion Sanders has brought a new excitement for the first time in a generation. This is likely because winning is more important to him than racial equity. To test this, I perused the team’s website to see how ethnically representative his department is compared to the state. After all, it is Colorado’s flagship university. Shouldn’t it “look” like Colorado?
I mean, in the other departments CU is using the same philosophy of the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Deputy Chief, and race-over-merit enthusiast, Kristine Larson. Defending her race-based hiring, she said, “You want to see someone that responds to your house, to your emergency — whether it’s a medical call or a fire call — that looks like you.”
I know when I had my heart attack my first concern was the racial and gender identity of the medical workers racing to save my life. That’s, that’s just normal.
Likewise, football fans also want to see players who look like them. That’s much more important to fans than anything merit-based, like winning games.
Addressing concerns female firefighters may not be strong enough to carry a man out of a burning building, Ms. Larson responded, “He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.”
If physical strength doesn’t matter in life-or-death situations like being trapped in a burning building, then why would it matter on something as trivial as a football game? The University of Colorado’s overpaid elite overlords obviously agree.
And that’s why I expected racial equity on Folsom Field.
Remember, according to the U.S. census, Colorado’s population is roughly 62% white, 12% black, 19% Hispanic and 6% Asian.
Odd, then, that at a cursory glance of the 46 pictured who make up Coach Prime’s staff only 16 appeared to be white. For those who received a Liberal Arts degree from CU, I’ll do the math for you. Only 21% of his staff is white. And only three, around 6%, are female.
The players he recruited also show no racial equity. Of the 99 players on the roster, it looks to me only 28 of them are white. Not to mention the institutionalized sexism CU obviously promotes — not a single chick on the team.
Here’s CU’s separate-but-equal race policy: On the field — use merit. Off the field — use Jim Crow (hire by skin color).
Sensing the political winds of change, CU just renamed its Office of Diversity to the Office of Collaboration. I’m sure those who made the change are equally supportive of President Donald Trump’s renaming of the Gulf of America. CU’s known for intellectual consistency.
There is no “reverse racism,” there is only racism. It’s foul and only made worse when perpetuated by your tax dollars. Oh, and if anyone in the victim-pimping industries care, it’s illegal.
Unless you want CU to force three times more white guys on its football team?
As Colorado considers nuclear energy as an option, what happens with the nuclear waste? Where would it go and how much would there be? PowerGab Hosts Jake Fogleman and Amy Cooke discuss this and more.
Show Notes:
Nuclear storage plans in Northwestern Colorado
Chris Wright Lays Out DOE Priorities
Transparency is a key to government accountability. Often judges have to order that public information become, well, public. How very odd then, that many judges refuse to follow transparency laws themselves. Retired Judge Dennis Maes explains.
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